How to ease your final trimester with Yoga?

How to ease your final trimester with Yoga?

Pregnancy is the best thing that could happen to any woman. It sets you on the path of an incredible journey and lets you explore more emotional as well as physical aspects. With the joy of carrying a life inside you, pregnancy also brings hormonal changes, sore feet, and discomfort. The real discomfort begins once you hit the third trimester because of the extra weight and growing belly. 

The pressure of your bulged belly on the internal organs can result in constant urination, heartburn, cramping in the side & front abdominals, lower back pain, difficulty moving, interrupted sleep, clumsiness, and short-winded. You might also have volatile joints as well as you might experience dizziness and swelling in the feet and hands.

If you seek some relaxation from the never-ending discomforts, then you should try our prenatal yoga centers in Bangalore. If you continue with prenatal yoga, you’ll be better able to do your day to day activities with a little more ease. 

Prenatal Yogic Exercises for 3rd Trimester

Here are some exercises for you to do while in your third or final trimester to ease yourself.

1.Gentle Neck & Shoulder Rolls

In this exercise session, first roll your head left and right, to and fro, and then rotate your head anti-clockwise and clockwise with gentle &slow breathing. Likewise, rotate your scapula left and right, to and fro, and then anti-clockwise and clockwise. Repeat this exercise 4-5 times for better results.

Doing this yoga will soften & easy breath to get relief from head, shoulder, and neck area tensions.

2.Full Shoulder Roll

First, put your right fingertip on your right shoulder, and similarly, put your left fingertip on your left shoulder. Now slowly rotate your arm & shoulder as if you’re drawing a circle with your elbow tip. Perform this 5-6 times anti-clockwise and clockwise. 

Inhale while opening the chest and as the elbows move backward, and then exhale when the elbows go towards front.

This will improve your circulation & flexibility of shoulders as well as the upper back. It will release the heart & lungs tension. 

Also Read: Yoga for Insomnia: How does Yoga bring Body-Mind Balance?

3.Baddha Konasana

In this yoga pose, first, sit with your legs stretched out, then bend knees to bring your feet together by keeping your heels as close as possible to the body. Fully relax the inner thighs and hold your feet with two hands. 

Smoothly hop the knees up & down using your elbows as levers pressing the legs down without using any force. Do repeat this 20 to 30 times and then straighten and relax your legs.

This pose helps you loosen up the hip joint and will increase the circulation of blood to the floor of the pelvic, which will help a pregnant woman accustomed to the feel of opening up. It also relieves tiredness and tension from the muscles of the inner thigh and legs.


In the beginning, position, come onto palms & knees along with your hands apart below shoulders, and your knees apart below hips. Inhale when you raise your head & arch the spine against the floor. During exhaling, remember to bring chin towards the chest and smoothly arch your spine upward. Do this 5 to 10 times without straining yourself.

This asana helps improve your shoulder, neck, and spine flexibility as well as tones a woman’s reproductive system. However, it also helps to shift the infant lower in the uterus as well as encourage proper delivery positioning.

5.Child’s Pose

Keep your knees & thighs separate, and then smoothly bend forward by placing your forehead on the cushion or the floor. After bending, extend your arms forward by pressing your palms into the floor, then rest with breathing gently. 

The Child’s pose is great for your shoulder & chest opener as well as it helps create a great deal of room in the torso.


In this yoga pose, you need to stand with feet together & with arms at your side. Raise your arms above the head while you inhale, intertwine your fingers, & then turn your palms upward. While you exhale, remember to place hands over the head. 

Inhale & stretch the shoulders, chest, and arms upwards. From head to toe, stretch your body. At the time of exhaling, bring the hands to the top of the head. Calm yourself for a few moments, and then repeat the whole exercise 5 to10 times.

Tadasana will help you develop physical as well as mental balance. The whole spine is loosened & stretched, helping your back to relax & stretch.

7.Warrior Pose

In this pose, stand by placing your feet 3 to 4 ft apart, then turn your right foot outside by ninety degrees, & the left foot inside by fifteen degrees. 

After coming into position, breathe in and raise the arms to the height of your shoulder. While exhaling, bend the right knee by keeping it in accordance with your ankle, and then smoothly work to bring the right thigh parallel to the floor. Turn your head to the right, & watch out across your right hand.

Hold your pose & breathe a few times, and then repeat the same on your left side.

This pose will strengthen your knees, ankles, arm, legs, back, and shoulders, as well as energizes your whole body, whereas it also generates courage & self-confidence.

8. Goddess Pose

Stand erect on the feet about 1-meter apart while the toes are turned out. Intertwine the fingers of your hands & let them dangle loosely ahead of your body and then slowly bend the knees & lower the buttocks. Subsequently, straighten the knees & come back to your upright position. Perform this pose 8-10 times.

Goddess Pose will for sure strengthens the middle back muscles, uterus, ankles, and thighs.

9.Corpse Pose

To perform this pose, you have to lie down on the back. Let the palms rest alongside while you face upward. Subsequently, close the eyes & relax both of your arms beside your body and breathe calmly.

This pose relaxes the body & mind. It also raises your energy immediately & hence it is very convenient for fighting any tiredness during your pregnancy. Further, this pose helps in battling off any repercussions of pregnancy like nausea, pain, and morning sickness.

10-Spiraling Movement

In this drill, you need to move your pelvis in circulating motion while moving the hips. You may also use a fitness ball for this yoga.

Spiraling movement helps to massage down your baby’s head over the cervix. Moreover, this movement helps you to keep the pelvis relaxed & moving while loosening the muscles & ligaments.


There are great deals of yoga techniques that can help you get ready for labor in the third trimester. But before trying out yoga, remember to make sure to take your doctor’s consolidation. In this way, you might know which things you should do and what you should not at this stage.

Here at our Prenatal Yoga Centers in Bangalorewe know how difficult the third trimester period can be. We are providing yoga classes, which will increase your normal delivery chances with reduced pain, normalized thyroid functions, and balanced hormonal variations. To know more, contact us at +91-9611306611 or write to us at