How to influence your chakras with yoga?

How to influence your chakras with yoga?

Chakras are revolving wheels of energies that run around the spine, & each chakra relates to a portion of our body. When it is out of control, so many emotional & physical conditions will lead to our spirituality. Being acquainted with the chakras will allow one to feel more relaxed & whole in several ways while being backed by reliable yoga classes in Bangalore.

The best way to balance the chakras is by meditation. Yoga helps to transfer the body’s energy even though you don’t concentrate on it. Although if you realize you have to focus on aligning the chakras, there are multiple yoga positions that will really help you influence your chakras.

 Root Chakra

The Root Chakra, also called Muladhara, is placed at the bottom of the spine. The Muladhara channels the earth’s grounding energies to making us feel connected, more stable, & more secure.

If our Muladhara is out of sync, we feel instabilities in our body system, & our sense of protection is weakened. When we are balanced, we feel secure & have a greater sense of identity.

Mountain Posture is a perfect position for us to bind energy to the earth from all four sides of our foot & to welcome the energy upwards and feel nurtured through the entire body.

Sacral Chakra

Our Sacra Chakra, also called Svadisthan, is found in the pelvic region. This chakra represents our playful artistic hub & place to our personality, feeling, & enjoyment.

The imbalance will make people feel emotionally unstable, sexually frustrated, & unable to pursue our interests in our lives. A healthy Sacral Chakra helps one to comfortably communicate with others & find joy in anything and everything.

Revolved Triangular Pose activates your abdominal organs that encourage the energy that circulates within our Holy Chakra & lets you keep focused in the current moment.

Solar Plexus

The Solar Plexus Chakra, also called Manipura, binds us to stellar energy and provides a sensation of willpower, resolve, & internal warmth in our abdomen.

Situated at the middle of the belly button, the Solar Plexus is indeed the origin of our conscience, our personalities, & our arrogance.

If the Manipura is unstable, we can feel low levels of self & tension. When the Manipura is healthy, we feel much satisfied & capable of it. Since the Manipura is situated near the abdomen, Boat Posture is a perfect yoga pose to help stimulate the heart & internal flame to better integrate energy blockages and imbalances.

Heart Chakra

A healthy Heart Chakra, also called Anahata, helps one to experience love, kindness, respect, & a bond with everyone. We need true love to be completed, & the Anahata is our path to welcoming love into everyone’s lives.

Keeping the Anahata nourished enables us to stay capable of providing & accepting love and also developing our morality. If our Anahata is unstable, we can end up losing our sense of belonging with others & love for ourselves. Narrow Lunge welcomes our heart energy to start to connect our Anahata energy. Yoga classes in Bangalore help in influencing your chakras with yoga.

Throat Chakra

The Throat Chakra, also called Vishuddha, is the force that makes us speak & interact with ourselves & others. The Vishuddha can have a great effect on our uniqueness, our reality, & even the ability to speak publicly.

When deformed, we can have issues with our head, throat, & nose, along with a void of imagination & our genuine voice. When relaxed, we can comfortably convey with conviction the imaginative & life-affirming facets of ourselves. Chanting is a calming exercise to unlock this chakra to help keep the energies balanced. 

Third Eye

The Third Eye, also called Ajna Chakra, is centered at the eyebrow point & is regarded as the “both eye” and also the origin of our instinct. We can gain self-reflection & critical thinking through our Ajna chakra and even some inner encouragement to guide us along our road to life.

If our Ajna Chakra is disturbed, we can encounter discomfort & psychotic problems such as migraines, headaches, & dizziness. When synchronized, we can see things plainly, even without it being tainted by our prejudices, ego, or history.

Dolphin Pose improves the circulation of our brain & face, and this, in turn, activates the Ajna Chakra.

Crown Chakra

Crown Chakra, also called Sahasrara, is the peak chakra & differs from other chakras since it’s not a “wheel” and a crossroads of forces, but instead an opening.

The 7th Chakra is our center of faith, commitment, and motivation, and even the place of our awareness that binds us to the eternal & boundless.

If the Sahasrara Chakra is disturbed or hyperactive, you can feel divine mistrust, a feeling of dissatisfaction about life, & disconnection from your mind & worldly affairs. The aligned Sahasrara Chakra brings harmony, love, positivity & serenity to your lives.

Balanced Butterfly Posture encourages concentration, harmony, and order – ideal for aligning the Crown Chakra. You can align this chakra by preferring the best power yoga classes in Bangalore.


Aligning & balancing your chakras can be the important weapon you need to help handle life’s challenges and stresses. When you know that you need extra motivation, determination, and concentration, you will indeed be ready to use your meditation practice & chakra awareness to achieve a sense of peace & equilibrium in your life.

Are you looking for the best power yoga classes in Bangalore? Pradipika Institute of Yoga and Therapy offers you the best yoga teacher course in Bangalore. Our yoga classes are designed to explain the technique & practice yoga in the right way. We will help you appreciate the value of yoga & how it will transform your lives. Call us to hear more about us – +91 9611306611 or 9742107571. You can also mail us at