What is Adho Mukha Svanasana and Some of Its Amazing Benefits

What is Adho Mukha Svanasana and Some of Its Amazing Benefits

Yoga has gained popularity all over the world and for the right reasons. It’s not just an exercise, or meditation, it is a way of life. You can change your life by practicing yoga. Now, yoga has many asanas or poses and each of them has its own sets of benefits. One of the basic and most important yoga poses is the Adho Mukha Svanasana or the downward facing dog asana. It is also a very popular pose.

You may have seen this pose done by many yoga practitioners. When you join yoga classes in Bangalore, this will be the one of the first poses you will learn. You most probably do it at the beginning of the class and end with this pose. It may look easy, but you will need to learn the right technique.

Adho Mukha Svanasana or downward facing dog offers a wide range of benefits. It works your entire body and will help strengthen it.

Here are some of the most important aspects of this pose you must know:

What is Adho Mukha Svanasana Pose?

The first thing you need to know what it is or how it is done. To perform this asana, you need to get on all fours on the floor and form a tabletop. You may know this to be as plank position. You have to keep in mind to keep the hands directly under the shoulder. Your knees should be aligned with your hips and your back should be straight. The next will be straightening your legs, pushing your hips up. Your body will form the inverted V position with your feet flat on the floor. While looking down, your ears must touch the inner part of your arms and look at the navel. Hold this position for a few breaths before coming back to the table top position. Repeat the movement multiple times. Depending on your stage of learning, you must hold the pose as long as you can. Try to hold the position longer than the last time.

Downward Facing Dog Can Hep Tone Your Core

This pose is an excellent way to tone that core. If you want to reduce belly fat, this is the perfect workout for you. This single pose alone can work on different muscle of the body while engaging the core. It is perfect for toning and strengthening the lower abdominal part. You can do this exercise daily or in your yoga classes. The pose is very effective for people who wish to gain strength and bring in more energy. This simple pose can work wonders on your legs, hand sand of course the abdomen area. Not just that, it will strengthen yours pine, calves and hamstrings too. You will feel the stretch at the back of your legs.

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It Can Help Improve Blood Flow To the Brain

Downward facing dog can help you improve blood flow to the brain and it is very important. When you are in the inverted V position, your heart is above the heard and the blood will flow to the head. This flow of blood will help bring focus and energy into your body. Not just that, doing this yoga pose on a daily basis will help you get rid of the stress, tension in the neck and let go of the negativity. If you wish to improve focus, this pose is one of the best ways to achieve it.

It Can Help Improve Your Body Posture

The downward facing dog pose is one of the best ways to improve the posture. If you sit for a long time in the office or lead a sedentary life then this pose is just perfect. People who have slump posture due to sitting for long time can benefit from this position. This pose helps open the shoulder and lengthen the spine, which ultimately helps in improving the posture. If you have back pain issue, this pose is perfect for you. And, you do this asana to relieve the neck pain. Once you learn the technique of doing this asana, it will be very easy for you to perform.

Get a Stronger Back with this Pose

Downward facing dog pose stretches your back, which means it also makes it stronger. If you have back pain and want to strengthen it, this is the perfect pose to do. Doing this pose will help reduce the back pain, and stretch the spine and back. Stretching the spine also improves the flow of oxygen supply to the entire body. Doing this simple pose every day can help you strengthen your back and improve the posture. Stronger back means less pain and discomfort.

The Bottom-line

The simple downward facing dog pose is one of the best ways to make your body stronger. It works on different parts of your body at the same time. You can improve posture, strengthen your back, legs, neck, hamstring, spine, and more. This is an amazing pose that can help you improve your overall health. If you wish to learn the correct technique, look for yoga centers near me on the internet to locate the best center.

Pradipika Institute of Yoga & Therapy offers yoga classes in Bangalore. We have yoga classes for all types of learners. We also offer yoga instructor course in Bangalore for people who wish to become a professional yoga teacher. Our best power yoga classes in Bangalore can help you stay healthy and fit.

Call us at +91 9611306611 or write to us at info@pradipikayoga.in