What is Pranayama and What are Its Amazing Benefits?

What is Pranayama and What are Its Amazing Benefits?

Yoga is one of the best ways to stay healthy and happy. It is not just a practice or exercise, but it is a way of life. It can transform your life and lead you to make healthy life choices. There are many types of yoga exercises and one of them is Pranayama. It is one of the most important parts of yoga that can help you many ways. It is simple, but very effective.

Although you can learn to do pranayama at home, learning it first from a teacher can help you master the techniques the right way. When it comes to yoga, doing it the right way is very important. Look online for the “best yoga classes near me” to find suitable yoga studio close to you.

Here is everything you need to know about pranayama:

What is Pranayama?

Pranayama is a breathing exercise that helps clear the blockage for free the breath and allow flow of energy, which is also known as “prana”. The word pranayama comes from the Sanskrit language and it translates to flow or regulation of energy or life. It involves controlled breathing in which inhalation and exhalations is done consciously to meditate as well as exercise.

There are many different types of pranayama exercises with different effects. Some pranayama is meant to calm the nerves while others are meant to raise the energy level. Regularly practicing pranayama can help you physically, mentally and emotionally. If you are dealing with stress and anxiety, pranayama exercises can help you.

What are the Benefits of Doing Pranayama?

There are many benefits of doing pranayama regularly. You can do it everyday for a few minutes to see the real difference. Combine it with other yoga poses and you will have complete workout session.

Here are some of the benefits of doing pranayama that is backed by science:

1-Improves Digestive System

Digestive health is very important for a healthy body. If it is not in good condition, you may suffer from discomfort from time to time. If you are looking for a natural treatment for it, you can try doing the pranayama.

When pranayama breathing exercise is done with belly breathing, it helps activate the diaphragm. It is a muscle just below the lungs and above the digestive organ. When you are doing pranayama with belly breathing, it causes the diaphragm to rise and fall. This continuous rise and fall movement massage the organs. This in the end helps in improving the digestive health.

2-Pranayama is good for Hypertension

Hypertension is bad news for anyone who has it. It can negatively affect your health, both physical and mental. It is important to tackle the situation before it can lead to major issues. Keeping calm and not stressing out too much is important in this situation and pranayama is one of the best ways to do it.

In fact, studies have shown that some pranayama techniques like the kapalbhati, anulomvilom, bhramari and shitali can help relive the hypertension. It can help bring the heart rate and blood pressure rate to normal.

3-Boost your Immunity

Pranayama is also good for immunity. It can help you improve the immune system and help you stay healthy. The breathing techniques works in many ways. One way it works is by stimulating the lymph fluid that contains the while blood cells. When you are doing pranayama, the rise and fall of the diaphragm can helps stimulate the lymph fluid. Regular practice of pranayama can improve the immune system of the body. It is amazing to see how simple breathing exercises like the pranayama can help improve health and stimulate organs and circulation system in the body.

4-Pranayama Can help you Lose Weight

Pranayama is one of the best ways to lose weight, especially from your midriff areas. It is important to know that proper diet and yoga hand in hand when it comes to losing weight. Doing the pranayama alone will not help if you have a bad eating habit.

The breathing exercises when done consistently can tone-up the abdomen muscles. It can also calm your nerves, and help you reduce stress. This can help in keeping the craving at bay. It works out your internal organs with the rapid breathing techniques. Regularly doing will help you see the difference in your management.

5-Improve the Respiratory System

Pranayama is all about breathing techniques and it largely affects the respiratory system. As a result, pranayama can help improve the lung health and expand its capacity. When you are doing the breathing exercises, you are using the lungs more often than not. The breathing in and out consciously and with some force provides the lungs with some exercise. This in turn helps in improving the respiratory system. It is well-known fact that pranayama is beneficial for people who have asthma and COPD (chronic destructive pulmonary disease).

6-Reduce Stress and Anxiety with Pranayama

Did you know that pranayama is one of the best ways to deal with stress, anxiety and depression? The breathing exercises are highly effective in calming the mind, which can then help reduce the symptoms of stress and anxiety. If you suffer from mood swings then the pranayama is the best ways to deal with it without medication. There are many types of pranayama for stress, and one of them is the Ujjayi breathing. It is known to help reduce the symptoms of anxiety, stress, and depression.

Not just that, pranayama iseffective for the post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms. It can work as a type of interventions and help people reduce the stressful effects of such memories.

7-Improve your Sleep Quality

Today, many people suffer from stress due to life in general or due to hectic work schedule. It can lead to poor sleep quality and in some cases insomnia. In this case, pranayama can help people sleep better and improve their sleep quality.

Pranayama is all about deep breathing that can calm the mind and the body. These deep relation techniques are highly effective in helping a person sleep better. You can also practice the yoga nidra or sleer meditation along with pranayama. People suffering from insomnia may have to take medication for it. But if you are looking for a natural way to deal with it, then practicing pranayama regularly can help you reduce the symptoms.

The Bottomline

Pranayama is one of the best ways to stay healthy both physically and mentally. The simple breathing exercises can help you in many ways. It can help you sleep better, manage stress effectively, improve immune system and lose weight too. It is important to learn the techniques from an expert so that you reap the benefits of Pranayama.

Pradipika Institute of Yoga & Therapy

Pradipika Institute of Yoga & Therapy offers yoga classes that includes the pranayama. If you are looking for “best yoga classes near me”, we offer a wide range of yoga classes for everyone. It doesn’t matter whether you are a beginner or advanced learner, we have yoga classes for everyone –men, women, old and young.

Book your yoga session now – Give us a call +1-209-260-6840