Yoga for Body Flexibility: Here are some asanas you can try!

Yoga for Body Flexibility: Here are some asanas you can try!

Flexibility can be easily described as yoga’s blessing as well as its curse. Increased flexibility is a massive benefit as it boosts the series of motion & joint health, which helps get rid of back pain, sports injuries, & repetitive-use damage.

The latest stats show that enhancing flexibility is the most well-liked reason for the onset of yoga, & some researches also proved that it is one of the major benefits of routine practice.

In case you have tight hamstrings, hips, shoulders, calves, & whatever else, then yoga is precisely what you want. Flexibility is not a necessity, but it is a result. The individual touching their nose to their lap doesn’t win, but the individual who enhances their flexibility surely in the course of time wins.

However, numerous asanas support to make you flexible. Now let’s take a look at some asanas provided by yoga certification courses in Bangalore.

1. Supta Padangusthasana 

Begin this asana by lying on your rear side with knees bent & the soles of either foot flat on the ground. After that, hug your right knee against your chest & extend your right leg upright toward the roof.

 If you can, then try to extend your left leg on the floor. Activate both of your feet. You can also put a hand on the left thigh to remind yourself to keep your hip leveled down on the floor. Always make sure to keep both the thigh bone as well as the right upper arm bone fixed in their sockets.

Do this for 5 to 10 breaths & then repeat this with your other leg. This asana will help stretch your hips, groins, calves & hamstrings.

2. Sucirandhrasana 

Start with lying on the back with knees bent & the bottom of your feet on the ground. After that, place your right ankle on the top of your left thigh in the process of opening your right knee joint to the right.

Stay where you are or lift the left foot off the ground & begin to bring the left thigh against your chest. Approach your right hand thru the gap between legs to grip your hands just about the back of the left thigh. Draw the left knee near to your chest whereas ensuring that your pelvis stays anchored to the ground.

If you want, you can also utilize your right elbow to poke your right knee farther from the chest. You need to keep both of your feet active all the time. After 5 to 10 breaths, switch your legs.

This asana will help to make your hip flexible.

Also Read: Why Do You Need a Qualified Yoga Instructor?

3. Adho Mukha Svanasana 

Firstly, come to your hands & knees with your knees a little bit behind the hips & then scroll your toes under & raise your knees from the ground. Subsequently, lift your buttocks to the roof by straightening the legs.

Afterward, start pedaling your feet one by one. Accommodate to relative immobility for a least 5 breaths while pressing strongly into the grips of your hands & maintaining the reverted V-shape of the pose.

This posture is good for all sorts of things, especially for the stretching of hamstrings & calves along with the backs of your legs.

4. Ardha Chandrasana 

From facing downward in a dog standing position, step the right foot to the inside of the right hand. Place your right knee softly as you take the right hand, onwards about five to ten inches. Subsequently, come upon the fingertips of your right hand or bring the whole block under the right hand.

Afterward, bring the left hand to the left hip & lift the left foot above the ground while you straighten the right leg. Stack the left hip above the right hip & pick the left leg to parallel it to the ground by flexing your left foot.

Further, lift the left arm to the roof & open the chest to the left side and take a gaze up to the left fingertips.

In case you’re in need of a quad stretch, then bend the left knee & take the left heel against the buttock. Later release the left hand & reach behind to grab the left foot. Do this for around 5 breaths & then try it on the other side.

This asana is an excellent way to open up your hips, ribs, hamstrings, & chest as well as enhances your flexibility.


Nevertheless, yoga is much more than flexibility. As a matter of fact, individuals that come to yoga certification courses in Bangalore for yoga with so much flexibility should be cautious not to move into advanced postures just because they might. Commonly, they need to practice on their strength to praise all that bendiness as well as build prop muscles & ensure that they are performing a safe alignment.

We know that everyone nowadays wants to be flexible. We provide yoga certification courses in Bangalore & know the effective ways to make you more flexible. If you are just getting commenced, then make sure to check out our beginner’s information & join us in this staggering practice. To know more, contact us at +91 9611306611 or write to us at